18 februari 2010

Elzybells Challenge #37 Card with more than one fold!

Yeah, it's Elzybells challenge time! This time the DT was challenged to make a card with more than one fold. I took this cute little sheep from "From me to Ewe"set. I love the Farmyard clear stamps they are all fun and the matching sentimens are hilarious!
Because of the many folds on this card I wanted to have the main focus on the stamp and folds and have used almost none accessories.
Please join us with your own Elzybells card with more than one fold at the Elzybells Art Stamps Forum, there's always something fun to win!

Don't forget to hop on over to the Elzybells DT's blog for more inspiration, you can find their links at the left side of my blog, enjoy:-D
Accessories: rhinestones, little flat backed pearl and string

Have a wonderful Thursday and thanks so much for stopping by!
Inge xOx

8 opmerkingen:

  1. hoi Inge,
    schitterend kaartje schattige stempel heb je gebruikt, ik heb het papier gisteren ook weer gebruikt mooi papier he
    liefs Lia

  2. dat ziet er geweldig uit Inge! mooi schaap én mooi DP! Leuke 'layout'.
    groetjes, Margreet

  3. Prachtige kaart en een heel erg leuk idee om ze zo inelkaar te vouwen. Groeten van Ageeth

  4. Great card. I love seeing this little sheep and often turn to them when I just want to have a play as I enjoy colouring them.

  5. Supergaaf kaartje en wat 'n schattig schaapje!

    San x

  6. Wow, I swear you get better and better every day! I'm now a follower so I can get a regular dose of inspiration from you!

  7. Ja ga toch weer over je kleurwerk beginnen hoor... sorry, wat heb je dat schaap geweldig gedaan!! Dat lijfje maar ook zijn wangetjes *kwijl*. Ik moet zo'n three fold card (of hoe die dingen ook genoemd worden) ook nog eens proberen, erg gaaf!


  8. I really LOVE this card! I will absolutely make one of my own! Thanks for the inspiration! :o)
